Forward Together
In Canada, we’ve weathered the pandemic by sticking together and supporting each other.
he United States is showing us what happens when we turn to blame, ignore our problems, and act like everyone is in it for themselves. We must reject that, take what we learned from the pandemic, and prepare for Canada’s future. This is Canada’s unions plan to move Forward Together.
We’ve weathered the pandemic because we all worked together. Let’s keep going and disaster-proof Canada for the future.
Forward Together: A Canadian Plan
Forward Together addresses three critical priorities to help our country recover and keep us safe in the future.
Replace Lost Jobs with Better Ones: With over 2 million jobs lost, we need a shovel-ready plan to replace those jobs with better ones. The government must kick-start local economies, by hiring people to build green infrastructure, to educate our youth and to care for others.
Strengthen Canadian Public Health Care: Make seniors safe by making long-term care part of public health care. Help families make ends meet by adding prescription drugs to Canada’s health care system.
Disaster-Proof our Social Safety Net: When the next economic disaster hits, we need to make sure Employment Insurance is there for everyone who needs it and we have a plan for child care that actually works for families. We need to invest in things that keep communities strong, like affordable housing.
We will pay for these changes by raising taxes on the wealthiest among us. The pandemic had winners and losers. Canada should raise taxes on wealthy individuals and the big businesses that made record profits in the pandemic, and use that money to help Canada recover and keep us safe.
Forward Together: Replace Lost Jobs with Better Ones
As summer vacation ends and kids begin the new school year, people are starting to return to their jobs. Sadly, with over two million jobs lost during the pandemic, not everyone has a job to go back too.
- In Toronto, the unemployment rate hit a high of 14.7%, in July, and continued with in August with an 13.9% unemployment rate
- Service sector jobs lost in our community have been particularly hard hit. We need the government to take action to help these workers recover from the economic lockdown, especially workers in the hospitality, airline, gaming and tourism industries.
- Let’s replace lost jobs with better ones and put people back to work! The Government can support the service sector by returning laid off workers to their jobs, upholding collective bargaining rights, and providing legal guarantees that any financial support from the government will go first to support workers’ wages, salaries, and benefits – not corporate profits and bonuses.
Forward Together: Let's Make Child Care A Priority
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated just how essential child care is for working families in our community. It is clear there can be no economic recovery without high-quality, accessible, affordable, public child care—it supports women in the job market, but is also an important source of employment for women and an economic driver itself.
In communities across Canada, our child care costs are among the highest in the world. On average, single parents spend 32 percent of their income on child care—that is often more than they spend on housing.
With the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, the stakes for working caregivers, the majority of whom are women, have gone from bad to worse.
Let’s make child care a priority for the federal government. Simply click here to send your Member of Parliament a pre-drafted letter.
Forward Together: Strengthen Health Care
Let’s keep seniors safe by making long-term care part of public health care. Let’s help families make ends meet by adding prescription drugs to Canada’s health care system.
Canada’s workers know we need investments in public services – not austerity.This pandemic has shone a light on what’s broken and now we know what to fix.We need a national pharmacare plan and we need to make long-term care part of our public health care system.
- First COVID-19 death in Canada was a long-term care resident
We owe it to seniors and their loved ones to make long-term care part of public health care. This pandemic has drawn attention to serious issues that are the result of years of chronic and systematic funding cuts, privatization, and a political unwillingness to make sure seniors get the care they deserve.
- As of May 6, 2020, 82 percent of all COVID-19 deaths have been in long-term care homes.
Today, the demand for long-term care in Canada is much higher than capacity. It is anticipated that by 2035 an additional 199,000 beds will be needed – nearly two times the current capacity.
The research is clear and the death rates are unacceptable. We must do all we can to prevent future tragedies. Now more than ever, we need a Canadian plan that’s rooted in our way of doing things – and that’s taking care of one another.
Join the Fight for a Stronger City
From local political involvement, to community services and a steady commitment to social justice, we are deeply involved with the organization and advocacy on issues that are vital to working people throughout the region.

Yes, It Matters!
Together, we can end systemic racism and build a just Canada for everyone.

Climate Justice & Action
Let’s empower workers to build a long-lasting, sustainable economy.

Fund Our Schools
We love our schools, but there are problems that need urgent attention.