Action Plan for the 2018 Municipal Election

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.

Each election cycle, Labour Council works to support the election of progressive candidates for city councils and school boards across Toronto and York Region. Toronto City Hall races have had the highest profile. Since 2010 over half the Council seats have turned over. In 2014 of the44 Councillors elected, 14 were endorsed by the Labour Council. This important base of City Councillors has created the capacity to be able to grow support to win votes on a number of important files. Working with our affiliates and community partners, we have been able to push back on the privatization of Toronto Hydro and solid waste collection, and achieve many smaller wins working with our Councillors.

The 2018 Election presents a difficult challenge. With no major progressive mayoralty campaign projected at this moment, the bulk of our focus in Toronto will become supporting candidates running for City Council and the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).

A number of factors will have major influences on the next election:

  • the Ward Boundary Review is expected to result in the addition of four new seats (3 downtown + 1 in North York) as well as two wards merging into one in Davenport
  • the Provincial election will likely see a number of current City Councillors run for provincial parties
  • the passing of Pam McConnell, Ron Moeser and Rob Ford, and a number of retirements leave races with no incumbents
  • a number of the labour friendly TDSB Trustees may not be running again in 2018

All of these factors will present unique opportunities and difficulties for City Council and TDSB races. In York Region, we are still in the early stages of building capacity on municipal and school board races. The same is true for the Toronto Catholic District School Board.


  1. To solidify the re-election of labour endorsed candidates and to significantly increase the
    number of elected labour endorsed candidates to Toronto City Council.
  2. To solidify the re-election of labour endorsed Trustees at the TDSB and ensure there are
    good succession plans to maintain a majority of labour supportive Trustees on the Board.
  3. Increase the number of labour endorsed candidates elected to the TCDSB.
  4. In York Region, the goal is to broaden the base of labour endorsed candidates at both the
    municipal and school board levels with a specific emphasis on York Region Council.

Road to Achieving the Goals:

  • Ensure labour endorsed Councillors and Trustees have strong teams on the ground and are doing their pre-election work.
  • Identify and recruit strong progressive candidates in key areas with a specific eye to diverse candidates.
  • Identify and provide solid training to skilled campaign workers from diverse communities.

Game Plan:

  • Assess what is happening on the ground in key wards in Toronto and York Region.
  • Work with affiliates, key political staff and individuals and like-minded organizations such as the Campaign for Public Education, Diverse Workers Networks, Commitment2Community and others to assist in identifying and recruiting strong candidates. Establish a York Region planning committee in collaboration with local affiliates.
  • Develop training curriculum for potential candidates and workers.
  • Deliver training in the winter and late summer of 2018.

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