Yes, It Matters!
Together, we can end systemic racism and build a just Canada for everyone.
Fund Our Schools
We love our schools, but there are problems that need urgent attention. It’s time to speak up and speak out!
Unite to Defeat the Right
Our unions are the best tool we have to build the life we deserve.
Climate Justice and Action
Let’s empower workers to build a long-lasting, sustainable economy.
Past Campaigns

2022 Municipal Election
Toronto & York Region Labour Council’s election program for Toronto 2022 combines the key issues that matter to working people for their city government and school boards.

The Refugee Project
Labour Community Services is embarking on an initiative to raise consciousness around how we talk about new Canadians, and especially refugees – and ultimately, how we understand them as our friends, colleagues, and neighbours.

Don’t Steal Our Subway
Breaking apart the TTC and handing over the subway to developers and the private sector will mean higher fares and less accountability. To fix our overcrowded transit system and make it more affordable, the Ontario government should provide a dedicated operating subsidy to the TTC, not break it apart.

Working for Justice
The Ford Conservatives have shown their true nature in the first few months in power. Rolling back workers’ rights, interfering in elections, cancelling programs and attacking union agreements, the Conservatives have been working on behalf of the wealthiest 1% every day at Queen’s Park.
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Sign up for the Labour Council’s weekly newsletter for news and updates about labour events in Ontario.