Canada’s Labour Unions Condemn the Raiding of UNITE HERE!Local 75 Royal York Hotel Union

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), and the Toronto & York Region Labour Council (TYRLC) wholeheartedly condemn raiding and call on the labour movement to stand together for the benefit of all working people.

“At a time when workers rights are under attack, we need solidarity. Raiding hurts workers. No one wins but employers,” said OFL President Patty Coates.

Raiding is the luring of members from one union to join another organization. It is divisive and only serves employers.

“There are lots more workers who would benefit from being under the labour umbrella,” said TYRLC President Andria Babbington. “If those unions that raid other unions actually cared about building worker power, they would organize non-union workers instead.”

“The CLC, OFL, and TYRLC’s number one priority is building a strong and unified labour movement. To that end, we will vigorously defend our member unions against the practice of raiding” said CLC President, Bea Bruske. “Unions across the country should be working together to bring the benefits of being unionized to all workers, not raiding those workers who are already protected.”

Of major concern is the ongoing raid of UNITE HERE! Local 75 members at the Royal York Hotel by the Toronto Hospitality Employees Union (THEU) an upstart, one-off group supported by the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN), a Quebec-based labour group.

“We call on the leadership of CSN to declare an immediate and absolute cessation to all raiding of the UNITE HERE! Local 75 union at the Royal York Hotel,” said Babbington.

“The hospitality industry was among the hardest hit by the pandemic. Workers at the Royal York Hotel lost their entire livelihoods and those who kept their jobs are currently facing shortages of hours and severe understaffing,” said Coates. “These workers are in negotiations with their employer to secure these jobs and rebound from the pandemic. The last thing Royal York Hotel workers need is interference from another union as they prepare to take on management.”

Together, the Canadian Labour Congress, Ontario Federation of Labour, and Toronto & York Region Labour Council, along with our many affiliated unions will continue to offer support to UNITE HERE! Local 75 and are mobilizing our affiliates to offer solidarity and any required resources to UNITE HERE! Local 75 to fend off the raid of their members currently on-going at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto.

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