Dear Friends,
As 2022 draws to a close, our labour communities have much to be proud of. This year, we supported each other through pandemic lockdowns; stood up against hate and far-right propaganda, reunited for rallies, parades, and demonstrations in the streets and at Queen’s Park; we’ve grown our unions, won first and new contracts, and stood shoulder to shoulder to defend the right to do so. We’ve worked to strengthen our democracy and build community power through two elections, and we are standing up to bullies who want to take our power away.
Throughout it all, you remained committed to workers, the labour movement, and most importantly, to each other. Look back on a 2022 full of solidarity and struggle in our year-end video here.
As ever, the work continues. Heading into 2023, high inflation and general unaffordability are top of mind for many households. Lower-paid workers, racialized groups, LGBTQ2S+ communities and marginalized residents continue to be disproportionately impacted by government austerity and anti-democratic policies.
Looking forward to 2023, we know the importance of support to advance social justice, climate justice and economic justice within our labour movement post-pandemic. We need each other more than ever.
I am incredibly grateful for all of you. It’s an honour to continue to fight alongside you for workers’ rights. On behalf of the Labour Council team, I wish you happy holidays and a new year filled with joy and strength.
Andria Babbington

Toronto & York Region Labour Council