Tag: Policy Statement

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Policy Statement
Unite to Defeat the Right

The mounting threat of the far-right in Canada is reaching a level which can no longer be ignored. Their politics seek to set working people against one another, fueling racism and anti-immigrant sentiment, feeding on their anger so that the corporate forces in the country can continue to rob them blind.

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Policy Statement
Protecting the Right to Protest and Picket

In Toronto and York Region, we are witnessing an alarming rise in anti-democratic, anti-worker motions being introduced by municipal Councillors. Using various pretexts, members of council in Toronto and York Region municipalities are moving motions which seek to limit the charter protected rights of free expression and free assembly. In particular, these motions use the spectre of public safety to crack down on protests which disrupt “critical infrastructure,” a dog whistle for anti-union interventions from

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Policy Statement
End Arms Exports to Israel

WHEREAS solidarity with workers everywhere is a crucial part of trade unionism, and the workers’ struggle has no borders; and…

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Policy Statement
Enough is Enough: Applying the OFL’s Action Plan in Toronto and York Region

Last January, the Toronto & York Region Labour Council declared that 2023 would be the year of the union. Twelve months later, it could not be more clear: we were right. In 2023, workers set the new standard for what a fighting, militant labour movement can look like. In particular, strike activity was higher in 2023 than it has been so far this century. The strike is back.

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Policy Statement
Together We Can Build A City for Everyone

Torontonians have spoken, and change has come to our city. After over a decade of right-wing rule in Toronto, working people across the city have chosen a new direction and elected Olivia Chow as our next mayor.