The Long Saga of TCHC
At the end of April, the City of Toronto announced plans to shutter dozens of
At the end of April, the City of Toronto announced plans to shutter dozens of
Earlier this year, we all mourned the hate-motivated deaths of six Canadian men in Quebec City. Labour Council pledged to respond to this tragedy by building powerful movements to challenge Islamophobia and all forms of discrimination.
Strong public services are the foundation of a decent society. Public services are, by their very definition, open to all members of the public and therefore of benefit to all members of the public.
Canadians mourn the tragic loss of life of six of our neighbours gunned down because
Workers across the country are finding it more and more difficult to access good jobs
First observed in 2003, the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers was created to call attention to hate crimes committed against sex workers and highlight the need to remove the stigma that surrounds sex work.
After years of pretending that Canada’s largest city can deliver services, maintain aging infrastructure
and tackle the effects of climate change without raising money, a new consensus is emerging on the
need for new sources of city revenue.
Although the Ministry of Education announces that the investment in Ontario’s publicly-funded education system continues
It was hardly a surprise when the top recommendation in the Ontario government’s Final Report and Recommendations of the Gender Wage Gap Strategy Steering Committee stated that “the government should immediately commit to developing an early child care system within a defined time frame.”
Every student has a right to attend a school which ensures a safe environment free from violence. Every employee has a right to work in a safe environment free from violence. Meeting the individual educational needs of all students while ensuring their safety at school has become a significant challenge.