Tag: Policy Statement

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Our Workplaces
Tim Hortons, $14 and Respect

The decision by millionaire Tim Horton’s franchise owner Ron Joyce Jr. to strip benefits and paid rest breaks from his workers has created a firestorm of indignation across Ontario.

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Our Workplaces
Holiday Shopping

When statutory holidays were created, it was an expression of our democracy to ensure the public was afforded the opportunity to celebrate various occasions while not losing out on income.

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Our Society
Floods, Fires, and 2 Degrees of Climate Chage

The effects of climate change know no boundaries. The smoke from Fort McMurray’s historic 2016 fire not only affected residents of Alberta but was felt by those who live in the eastern American seaboard.

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Our Society
Tax Fairness Matters

In July 2017, Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau introduced proposals for tax changes that aim to control tax evasion by wealthy individuals and corporations.

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Our Society
Charlottesville and Hate

History has a way of repeating itself too often. It is the responsibility of those with long memories, like our labour movement, to recognize peril at the door and raise the alarm.

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Our Society
Challenging Racism and Discrimination

The Labour Movement has a tireless record over many decades of fighting against racism and discrimination in all its forms. Since the election of Donald Trump and the murders in the Quebec mosque, bigotry is emerging as a more potent force in our society, feeding the politics of division.

Man holding a Labour Council banner at the Labour Day parade.
Our Workplaces
Keep Up the Fight for Fairness

The labour movement used to be proud of saying, “Unions brought you the weekend.” It was a vivid way to explain our success in raising standards for Canadians, which might otherwise be taken for granted.