Yes, It Matters

Yes, It Matters Campaign

Unions in Canada have always fought for justice, dignity, and respect. Our strength lies in our diversity, but too many still face systemic racism and discrimination—this must end.

The Yes, It Matters! campaign, from the Toronto and York Region Labour Council and Labour Community Services, is here to tackle these issues and provide a plan for change.

Respect, value, and empowerment make us stronger. Let’s unite to create a just Canada for everyone.

Charter for Inclusive Workplaces & Communities

Solidarity is at the heart of our movement. Let’s ensure every member feels a sense of belonging, recognizes the progress unions have made, and shares in our common purpose. Over 30 unions have already signed the Charter. Download your copy today and make a difference!

Join the Campaign

Together, we can end systemic racism and build a just Canada for everyone. Unions in Canada have always stood for justice and dignity, giving workers a collective voice for better wages, working conditions, and respect.

Fund Our Schools
Fund Our Schools

We love our schools, but there are problems that need urgent attention.

Unite to Defeat the Right
Unite to Defeat the Right

Our unions are the best tool we have to build the life we deserve.

Climate Justice Now
Climate Justice and Action

Let’s empower workers to build a long-lasting, sustainable economy.